Sunday, October 30, 2005


you know about 69s, right?

No, not those ones. Well, kind of, I guess.

69s are erotic stories of less than, or preferably exactly sixty nine words. A short-short. A flasher's flash, so to speak.

I don't think anyone takes these things seriously, but they are a lot of fun. Well, except for the almost inevitable trimming...

So... The Tunnel

I approach the tunnel with trepidation, anticipation.
Finally entering the dark dampness, I feel bigger, stronger, pushing as hard as I am able.
The synergy between the walls and myself excite us both, the heat rising, the pulse racing, the strength convulsing me, the constriction claustrophobic.
As I near the end, the elation explodes in me, and I erupt back into the daylight.

Just another drive to the office.

or... Imprisoned Penis

I have a large black penis imprisoned in my barn.

At night, after everyone is asleep, I slink out in my nightgown and have my way with it. My wetness is impaled on its rigidity, and I weep with joy, as we jointly erupt.

It runs away afterwards with its owner, returning every night on the off-chance of a reunion.

I'm no longer certain who the real prisoner is.

Finally... Despite the heat

Despite the heat, I'm hidden completely under the bedclothes, cock in one hand, tissues in the other.

My mind alternates between two things: Not getting caught, and Cindy Smith from history class. Down by the river on the cool green grass. Naked. Horny. Hot.

Hand strokes cock, as mind strokes Cindy. Cock and Cindy erupt together, tissues catching my pulsating guilt.

Brother opens the door just late enough.

So, you got something for me? :-)


The Tramp said...

Nice! Did you write all of these?

Gentle but Firm said...

Of course! :-)